Sunday, February 27, 2011

EXPO Opression Journal

          My area of focus is segregation. Segregation is defined as the practice or policy of creating separate facilities within the same society for the use of a minority group. I chose to do my expo topic on segregation because it has come to my attention to inform people of this oppression. People are segregated based on religion, race, social class,nationality, etc.

           Segregation is oppressive because it restricts people from having the same rights as others. It is a barrier that keeps people left out because of segregation. In the book, The Outsiders, the Socs are oppressors when they get on the Greasers land when the Greasers are segregated from going on their territory. Prescriptions that are commonly heard are "white trash with mustangs" or "white trash with long greasy hair". They have internalized that they are white with different appearances. The system of the police is oppressive because they don't treat people with the same rights. It is more likely for a cop to shoot a hoodlum looking person than a well-dressed wealthy looking person. The prescriptions these people have internalized are that hoodlums are all bad. The police restricts people's lives bynot giving equal rights.

            Other people responsible for continuing this type of oppression were the colonists who came to America. They were the people who brought African Americans to have them as slaves. They were segregated from voting, owning property, and being free. These colonists contributed to the harm because they brought segregation to America that has evolved into our time period. This type of oppression can be seen in racism, which leads to horizontal violence. such as death or fighting. Racism creates a barrier by having people internalize a certain race isn't worthy of having equal rights and segregated from that.

            People who experience segregation can feel left out and pressured to do the wrong things. They feel as if they don't belong in this world and are not thinking straight. This oppression can lead to suicide or fighting. People who suffer from segregation may react by silence, which does not help them or the peiple around them. People may attempt to protect themselves by hiding and keeping it to themselves. It is usually a friend that helps them go on in life and report this oppresson since they are to afraid to inform anyone about it. The beliefs they might internalize are that they are a piece of garbage laying around ready to be stepped on all over. They start believing that they are not worthy of respect and justice.

            A connection I have to segregation is when people from a foreign coun try come to America by crossing the border illegally. These  innocent people that come to America are here to make a beeter use of their life, support their family, or just experience. The ICE police is oppressing these people by deporting them back to their country leaving their children behind, and keeping them segregated from enteringbthe border of the United States.

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