Sunday, February 27, 2011

EXPO Unit Reflection

What I liked most about the process was that it would talk about oppression and liberation like the oppression being the cause or the motive to wanting liberation which was like the effect.

I had challenges with the sharing experience part of the process because many of the people didn't have any personal experiences to share with the group which made a bit difficult to have a long flowy conversation.

The main area I want to improve for next time is having a little card with examples of questions we could ask to the group written beforehand to keep it moving.

What I am most proud of is how our discussion took the whole time and how the parents looked up to us in admiration to our wonderful work.

I appreciate my group mates for making that day go smoothly.

Where I'm From

I am from Oakland
Where I was born
And grew up in.
I am from Mexico
The place my ancestors 
Originate from.
I am from Cuyutlan, Jalisco
The little town we go to in Mexico.
I am from the blood of my parents,
Julia and Rosalio Martinez.
I am from the school
Wanting to learn new things
And excell at my work.
I am the friend of many people
Because I am able to relate to anyone
And am reliable, caring, and trustworthy.
I am from the party
Where we celebrate the day of birth
Especially a Quinceanera.
I am from the kitchen
Eating homemade carne asada
Made by my momma and daddy.
I am from the Virgen de Guadalupe
Who we Mexicans believe in.

EXPO Opression Journal

          My area of focus is segregation. Segregation is defined as the practice or policy of creating separate facilities within the same society for the use of a minority group. I chose to do my expo topic on segregation because it has come to my attention to inform people of this oppression. People are segregated based on religion, race, social class,nationality, etc.

           Segregation is oppressive because it restricts people from having the same rights as others. It is a barrier that keeps people left out because of segregation. In the book, The Outsiders, the Socs are oppressors when they get on the Greasers land when the Greasers are segregated from going on their territory. Prescriptions that are commonly heard are "white trash with mustangs" or "white trash with long greasy hair". They have internalized that they are white with different appearances. The system of the police is oppressive because they don't treat people with the same rights. It is more likely for a cop to shoot a hoodlum looking person than a well-dressed wealthy looking person. The prescriptions these people have internalized are that hoodlums are all bad. The police restricts people's lives bynot giving equal rights.

            Other people responsible for continuing this type of oppression were the colonists who came to America. They were the people who brought African Americans to have them as slaves. They were segregated from voting, owning property, and being free. These colonists contributed to the harm because they brought segregation to America that has evolved into our time period. This type of oppression can be seen in racism, which leads to horizontal violence. such as death or fighting. Racism creates a barrier by having people internalize a certain race isn't worthy of having equal rights and segregated from that.

            People who experience segregation can feel left out and pressured to do the wrong things. They feel as if they don't belong in this world and are not thinking straight. This oppression can lead to suicide or fighting. People who suffer from segregation may react by silence, which does not help them or the peiple around them. People may attempt to protect themselves by hiding and keeping it to themselves. It is usually a friend that helps them go on in life and report this oppresson since they are to afraid to inform anyone about it. The beliefs they might internalize are that they are a piece of garbage laying around ready to be stepped on all over. They start believing that they are not worthy of respect and justice.

            A connection I have to segregation is when people from a foreign coun try come to America by crossing the border illegally. These  innocent people that come to America are here to make a beeter use of their life, support their family, or just experience. The ICE police is oppressing these people by deporting them back to their country leaving their children behind, and keeping them segregated from enteringbthe border of the United States.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

College For All Essay

Hello, my name is Clarissa and I come from Oakland in a school called Urban Promise Academy. My school, Urban Promise Academy, is a place I go to where I learn and have opportunities to experience different things. It is a small school, where I feel safe and feel like a family here. This school has shaped my dreams and aspirations by letting me show off my skills and talents, which has made me more confident. Here at the school they encourage me to do my best and get on Honor Roll. The teachers are very supportive and help me in my time of need. My parents have been very supportive in my life by pushing me to persevere when things get hard. They tell me to put all my time and effort into everything I set my mind to do. My parents have made me into a responsible and mature daughter and student that takes pride in her work. Since I’m from Oakland, I have heard about gang violence that occurs often in the streets of Oakland. It has made me more aware of my surroundings and a bit frightened of walking alone at night. Although Oakland maybe dangerous it has made me the person I am today. All the opportunities I have had here in Oakland wouldn’t be the same in another community. I am proud of who I am and where I come from.

One word that best describes my family, community, and school is united. My family is united because we come together in the time of need and joy. We are supportive of each other when the going gets tough or when it is all right. We are a very religious and believe in God. The way my community is united is by coming together to protest something important in life. We are persistent when we set our mind to make a change we want to see. My school, Urban Promise Academy is united because we are like a family. Everyone knows each other and somewhat get along. When there are conflicts the counselor helps them resolve it in a positive way to keep  everyone safe. Teachers are supportive when we need help They are glad to help and would take their personal time to help you.

Opportunities that have been available to me in my school is being able to experience a few days of being away from home and not using materials that I usually use. I have also been available to colleges like UC Berkeley. I have seen the classes, dorms, and libraries. An opportunity I have had in my community is going to Disneyland. If my moms boss never gave us free tickets to Disneyland I would have never been able to experience that much fun. It was an opportunity of a lifetime. Another opportunity that I have had at school is being able to teach sixth graders about different things in life. I got the opportunity to teach which has boost my confidence. Teaching has turned me into a more confident and courageous person because it helps me understand students from a different perspective. I have had the opportunity to compete at a math competition at school and have won a trophy. I also had the opportunity to compete in a spelling bee. I was one of two people chosen to represent my school, Urban Promise Academy, at the spelling bee. All of these experiences have made me who I am today.

A major issue confronting my community and school is violence. Gang violence has been a big issue in Oakland. There have been many deaths due to gang violence and many people who are not in a gang can end up dead when hanging with the wrong crowd. Weapons that are available to minors have been a major issue. More deaths have been by weapons like guns or knives because of the availability. Deaths are more common when a person is carrying a weapon. It is more likely for someone to die of a shot than just fist fighting. My role in addressing this issue is teaching it to younger kids. I am a peer educator and I teach minors about the dangers of gang violence. As a result of addressing this major issue I have changed by becoming more confident and more aware of my surroundings. It has created me into a leader because I am not afraid to step up and say what I believe in. The impact that this change has had on my dreams and aspirations is that it made reach for challenging things in life because I now know that I can persevere to overcome or succeed that challenge. It has transformed me into a courageous, confident, and outgoing person that will be able to socialize with other people. I will no longer be shy in my time of need and my time to shine. I chose to teach younger kids about this issue because it is something children need to learn in order to survive outside the doors of school. I feel like it helps them think about their decisions and I want them to have a part of me in their decisions.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Freedom from torture and freedom from abuse
Freedom from control and freedom from misuse
Freedom to power and freedom to vote
Freedom to speak and freedom to quote
Freedom to choose and freedom to decide
Freedom to think and freedom of pride
Freedom from disrespect and freedom from inequality
Freedom to education and to equality
~Freedom to live life in peace~